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Three holes later, mother and child were back on the street, gamboling through the snow.
But when his folks found out, he would be gamboling to a different tune.
While father fished, daughter was left to gambol on the island in the afternoon.
They didn't gambol around the bases after a home run.
Before me the little ones began to run, gamboling from side to side of the way.
And she was off, gamboling across the lawn, with the dog racing behind her.
During our 10-minute ride we saw five deer gamboling beside a stone wall.
She gambols these days on two radio talk shows and the paid lecture circuit.
"You will stay," it said, and gamboled off before Sagan could say anything.
Others gamboled in the river under a noon sun.
The performers frequently gambol into the crowd, but the feeling is not always mutual.
The dog had transformed back to its normal size, was gamboling happily at his side.
And outside the windows, the dust devils continue to gambol across the campus.
Children gamboled, and adults rolled up their pants legs to test the waters.
How innocent it seems now, gamboling over naked bodies and others' beds.
Each side negates what the other creates, while gamboling across the other's territory.
Where did Puddle pick up a word like gamboling?
Red Dog gamboled, too excited, or stupid, to tell a battle was in progress.
The horsemen gamboled and joked before getting into orderly ranks.
I enfolded him in my arms as the wolf gamboled about us like a puppy.
At the sound, the pup gave up his quest for mother's milk and cheerfully gamboled over.
From her place she could see shadows as leaping figures capered and gamboled.
They run and pass and gambol over the rest of the field, then there arises a barrier.
The common folk were apt to gambol across the commons simply for the joy of being alive.
But when the market gamboled into the 9,000's, the man became a pariah among the people who took his advice.