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Many places have cross-bred gamefowl present in the streets/woods.
There is an on-line game fowl monthly photo contest for showing gamefowl.
However many others contain Spanish strains, along with gamefowl from other places including the Sumatra breed.
The American gamefowl are extremely cold and heat resistant, intelligent, and are capable of surviving independently in the wild.
With improvements in food technology for gamefowl, the hens are allowed to rest for a time before they can be allowed to be bred again.
Ireland, England, the U.S. and Spain are well known for the quality of their gamefowl.
The American gamefowl should not be confused with Old English Games, another breed once bred for "the pit," though now is an exhibition bird.
American gamefowl can also be found in the wild in various places in the continental United States, often after escaping or being set free by owners.
American game bantam should not be confused with miniature gamefowl, which are pit (game) quality as well as exhibition quality, after careful cross-breeding.
Common names are gamefowl or gamebirds, landfowl, gallinaceous birds or galliforms.
Larry Oliver, lawyer for the 7,000-member Oklahoma Gamefowl Breeders Association, said of the birds, "They just don't like each other."
The following is a tear sheet of his article from The American Gamefowl Quarterly: Red Heels At Plant City!
Fowl usually refers to birds belonging to one of two biological orders, namely the gamefowl or landfowl (Galliformes) and the waterfowl (Anseriformes).
Birds in the Phasianidae family, such as the Djibouti Francolin, are Old World ground-dwelling gamefowl, many of which are found in forests.
There are other breeds of naked necked chicken, such as the French naked neck, which is often confused with the Transylvanian, and the naked necked gamefowl.
Most American gamefowl lines (or strains) consist of Irish Game, Old English, and Oriental Gamefowl.
The "Saipan" bird is tall and upright, resembling the Malay, the Shamo, the Asil, or other oriental gamefowl, that are Asian in origin.
Key West, Guam, and Hawaii are some of the main places known for Spanish gamefowl running wild, with some American gamefowl strains as well.
The Andean Guan, Penelope montagnii, is a gamefowl species of the family Cracidae, in which it belongs to the guan subfamily Penelopinae.
The servant gaped at Craer as if he'd made an indecent personal suggestion involving horses and gamefowl and possibly the Tersept of Stornbridge himself, reddened, and shook.
"I have the tools to dig but I just need to know whose grave I'm digging," said a message from Fred Crane of Gamefowl News, a Web site and emailed newsletter based in San Diego.