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It was deliberately done; not so much an insult as an act of gaucheness.
Which denied the gaucheness, the lingering resentment, in all the rest.
He felt a twinge of embarrassment for the gaucheness of his youth.
Even his remaining gaucheness seemed like enthusiasm; gusto, indeed.
His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends.
I covered my gaucheness by hailing the waiter and ordering a glass of champagne.
He blended formal sophistication and compositional audacity with touches of gaucheness.
But the population's increasing gaucheness has inspired a kind of backlash, creating a boom for those who claim to be able to cure the problem.
She paused, annoyed at her own gaucheness.
Some girls may be repelled, but not as many who will be put off by your gaucheness and foolish opinions.
As if apologizing for such gaucheness at the Plaza, he said, "I like ketchup."
Already he was showing his gaucheness.
The gaucheness (if there is such a word) of this, seems to make the nightmare quality of that scene somehow more real and disturbing.
She felt an adolescent's gaucheness.
He reflected that Deirdre Henderson seemed a rather simple young woman-simple to the point of gaucheness.
He takes to the stage with ... his endearing gaucheness seems designed to ensure our continued sympathy.
He had, once again, bungled what he had set out to do, exhibiting a clumsiness and gaucheness that were foreign to him.
But "more directly, to me, it signified love in all its gaucheness, desperation, and beauty, and I loved those qualities in him," she writes.
The friends, who called themselves the Five of Hearts, had an emotional gaucheness that has no counterpart in the England of the late 19th century.
Unfortunately, the decision to opt for smoothness rather than scruffiness, composure rather than gaucheness, is not an innocent choice.
But it was for fashion's glittery gaucheness that Ms. Kawakubo reserved her sharpest dart.
Larry Hagman, the star of "Dallas," an authority on gaucheness, told the audience that if Nelson "had any guts, he'd wear the whole suit."
Paul's constant watchfulness around white Southerners and his occasional angry outbursts at Lurene's unwitting gaucheness on the subject of race are also carefully drawn.
Lucy, with her gaucheness, her naïve charm inspired a sort of emotional confidence in Maggie: this was someone, she felt, with whom she would be safe.
But over time, as word gets out and the masses come to understand the references, they lose their power and can acquire a patina of gaucheness or cluelessness.