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His women are not ciphers but, despite their gauziness, are commanding.
They're shot on film whose gentle gauziness recalls slightly-faded photographs from a family album.
Allen's pictures have a surface gauziness that furthers a sense of the transitory.
For Barack Obama, this means getting beyond the world-standing-together gauziness of his Berlin speech.
The gauziness may lie more in Justin's self-beclouded vision than in Audrey herself.
There is scarcely a hint of gauziness in Mr. Ellis's forthright staging.
The nuts and bolts of Couperin’s bright, pointed music are more or less honored, but they assume a pastel-like softness and gauziness.
"With all of the sort of gauziness, it's sort of like a first date in a lot of ways with these candidates," Elizabeth Edwards said.
Think summer-weight gauziness that’s both ultra-light and warm, or winter pashmina coats – and take out a new mortgage (from Dover Street Market, London W1).
Those who have complained that “Mad Men” leans too hard on soap opera gauziness finally got their dose of white-knuckled logistics with the finale of Season 3.
A recent convert to modernist truth-telling after several years in Mexico, he sought to present without gauziness or melodrama the brute forces that shaped this corner of the American paradise.
The Philharmonic's string body has long been a precision machine, and in these works the players moved easily through Strauss's palette, from warmth and gauziness to bright-edged, adrenaline-pumped assertiveness.
In The Recollection (2008), the precise detailing of the fine restaurant in the background opposes the gauziness of the young blond woman whose blue eyes seem lost in reverie.
While the plot of the music is the same in its diversions, its vamps, its quick changes, the new musicians play more lightly, and this new gauziness seems to suit the bandleader.
He evoked the atmospheric, mysterious gauziness in “Feuilles Mortes” and the delicate, dark-hued textures of “La Terrace des Audiences du Clair de Lune” with a watercolorist’s subtlety.
To evoke the look of silent films, the director and his cinematographer, Guillaume Schiffman, adopted the format's traditional squarer frame shape and had special lenses crafted to duplicate the gauziness of vintage black-and-white film.
"Crooked Smile" is soulful and rousing (even if he's too hard on his perfectly acceptable orthodontics), and "Power Trip," his bleary duet with the R&B Lothario Miguel, has small-hours gauziness.