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Or was it the gelid weather that made me see them as such?
Almost casually, she threw him out and off her, across the gelid bed.
He was too far off to be sure, the foreign face which maybe had not aged by another line, the gelid eyes, invisible.
The gelid mass did not flow to spread out on the floor of the warehouse.
Gelid light and air were in the kitchen but out of doors gentle summer morning everywhere.
He said the name in a flat, gelid tone.
It had a gelid thickness, as if he were walking through cold broth.
The thought struck him like a twister of gelid wind.
Her father had fixed Megan with a gelid stare, as if she were an insect.
At her silent command a large oval basket appeared out of the gelid air.
A single, gelid tear welled in the comer of her left eye.
This time I decided on something gelid and soothing."
The plane did tilt downward, rushing toward that obscene and gelid floor.
Its scores of paddle legs trembled in vain effort against the gelid water.
Looking up from my hand, straight into the gelid darkness before me, I suddenly knew that it was aware of me.
Meeting him is indeed a gelid experience.
Gelid tendrils squeezed the king's bowels, but he did not allow himself to double over.
But the fragments were sinking now, slowly, through the gelid substance of the monster's tissues.
For a time, at least, Lord Foul's gelid frenzy was gone.
It turned gelid as she added: "Assuming this isn't disinformation."
Her face had suddenly turned gelid and unforgiving.
Gelid agony shrieked in his chest where the Raver had struck him.
"You never went to business school," Isaacs said, gelid gray eyes narrowed.
"Let me see those feet," he said quietly, kneeling to feel the gelid toes and confirm the lack of circulation.
Then, with the swirling of a tempest-driven vapor, it closed about him, gelid and relentless.