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"Did you know he was the son of a gendarme?"
Can you drive the car without being stopped by every other gendarme?
"We're waiting for the local gendarmes to tell us what happened."
By that time a couple of gendarmes were on the scene.
France has always wanted to be our gendarmes, but better stay out this time.
A gendarme comes to them from the direction of the train.
The Boss almost sent out the whole gendarme force to find you.
It looks to me like a fix is in to the gendarmes.
All evidence gone, he would face the gendarme with a free conscience.
On the far side the door was open; people were pulling the two gendarmes out.
The British did not allow the hundred gendarmes who came with him.
From 2006 to 2007, a few letters kept the gendarmes in touch.
The government said 13 people had been killed since Monday, including a police officer and a gendarme.
Witnesses say the gendarmes took him down the road to the station house.
He added that the contract "has been made available to the local gendarmes."
A gendarme moved across the road, pushing through the crowd.
From above the menace of fire, and outside, the gendarmes.
"Two gendarmes had him under the arms and they let go.
But for all she knew, perhaps the French offered wine when a gendarme came to call.
The total number of gendarmes in the companies varied over the decades.
Fight if you have to, but call for the gendarmes right away."
Fetch the gendarmes - we must start a search for them.
Three armed French gendarmes were shot one afternoon on their day off.
For all the gendarmes, their rehabilitation occurred half a century too late.
Gendarmes could also be assigned to assist local police and officials.