Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We do not want to be told that they are general criteria.
These are general criteria and it is dangerous to be too specific.
The general criteria for measures, outlined above, can be applied to a particular measure, that of length.
If the Pact is to become more flexible, this should be done on the basis of objective and general criteria.
More detailed general criteria for measures are listed below.
Some justices seem to use ideological criteria above and beyond the general criterion of excellence.
The general criteria above suggest a range of assessment tasks in both practical and written test modes.
Each company did not ensure the safe and efficient operation of the electrical system according to the established general criteria.
The general criteria for a job to be offshore-able are:
These general criteria apply at the interpretation phase of the pragmatic process I am proposing here.
There are three general criteria in which a gambit is often said to be sound:
For individual countries, general criteria provide the guideline for decisions on whether or not aid should be given.
The regulations also include general criteria for granting expanded access:
Still, despite such general criteria, he never neglected the national element when analyzing Croatian writers.
All members have to fulfil the following general criteria:
We can't answer them all, so here the general criteria we use in picking questions to take on:
You quite rightly refer us to the decisions of the individual states, but we must also consider a number of general criteria such as employment.
Contrarily, the largest urban areas in the Nordic countries can be ranked by more general criteria.
To be called circadian, a biological rhythm must meet these four general criteria:
State adoption law specifies that only two general criteria should be considered: the moral fitness of the applicants and their financial ability.
There are two kinds of general criteria.
The United States simply decided that it does not want them to enter the country for various reasons, based on a number of rather general criteria.
The general criteria for its presentation was the participation in three separate combat operations on separate days.
Second, the general criteria: this book is full of science fiction-every story in the book is clearly that and not something else.