It is poised to become an important oil and gas producer once again.
Her father is an independent oil and gas producer in Bradford.
Pike County is one of the nation's leading coal and natural gas producers.
The new company will also be the largest natural gas producer in North America.
As for the gas producers, the state allows them to police themselves.
Many oil and gas producers say they are already making progress in reducing emissions.
The formation has become a gas producer since the large success of the Barnett play.
Critics of the project included domestic gas producers and oil suppliers.
His father is an independent oil and gas producer in Denver.
The company is the country's sixth largest natural gas producer with a total of 10,000 wells.
The missile has six motors; the first one is the motor in the gas generator.
A common use for gas generators is in automobile air bags.
They've got a big call for miners operating the deep gas generators right now, if you want that.
The gas generator creates the hot expanding gases to drive the power section.
There were also gas generator and a gasoline models produced.
An air pump is used to deliver fuel under pressure to the gas generator.
In 1996, Barron and community groups also fought the building of a natural gas generator.
The missionaries' residence was the only home with a gas generator.
This started the fuel flow into the main engine and gas generator.
Put gas generators outside, far from doors or windows.