Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In official documents, the father's name in the Genitive will be inserted between a person's first and last names.
The first element is the genitive of the valley name Tverrådalen.
The dative genitive is often used with verb infinitives.
The genitive of the personal pronoun is usually replaced by the possessive pronoun.
The first element was then assumed to be the genitive of stabbur (but there has never been a building like that in the valley).
The form vitae is the singular genitive of vita and is translated as "of life".
Genitive: sing.
In distinction to Standard German, the Erzgebirgisch genitive is no longer productive.
Eofes, therefore, would be the natural Genitive of a man's proper name, Eof.
See Vergil's fandi as genitive of fas.
In Middle English the -es ending was generalised to the genitive of all strong declension nouns.
The genitive of the word pats is paties, but it is also frequently said pačio.
Note, that the table contains only the objective genitive of pronouns aš, tu, savęs.
The first element is the genitive of a word stikl and the last element is staðir which means "farm".
Moroccan Arabic makes the most use of it, to the extent that the constructed genitive is no longer productive, and used only in certain relatively frozen constructions.
The first element of this name is the genitive of kirkja 'church' (referring to the fact that the first church was built there).
(genitive of placename instead of preposition)
In reality, the plural genitive of "canis" is "canum", the form of a non-I-stem.
The first element is the genitive of the substantive hǫggvandi m, derived from the verb hǫggva 'cut, hew, chop'.
Since the personal pronoun does not have a genitive form, the genitive of the possessive pronoun is applied in those cases.
It is composed from the genitive of deva and the past participle datta of the verb da, give.
Genitive: horum, harum, horum.
The first element is the genitive of a river name Gerð and the last element is vin f 'meadow, pasture'.
The first element is the genitive of an old rivername Ljǫrn, the last element is brú 'bridge'.
Here Davidii is the genitive of Davidius, a Latinized version of the English name.