Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
More genteelly, the Met players have a tradition of wishing one another a good season before the year's first performance.
To say that these 90 minutes expose group tensions is to put the matter genteelly.
But any conflict is handled genteelly or off screen.
He tried to look as if he were doing nothing more than genteelly killing tune.
"The inference is that you should have starved genteelly and with pride."
Through art and objects, the museum genteelly explores the effects of Spanish colonialism.
He was a great economist, but would spend money as genteelly as any man occasionally.
Mariko said genteelly, "That would be a matter for the client to decide.
"Yes," Beatrice said, ever so genteelly letting him know she didn't like the interruption.
Five sisters in 19th-century England look, genteelly, for suitable husbands.
Hanging a set is more aesthetically honest than genteelly tucking it out of sight.
There was a faint smattering of calls, nods, and genteelly raised paddles.
Hastily, before departing, he married Harriet, a genteelly brought-up neighbor.
Her emphasis on the pronoun was genteelly delicate.
Granny genteelly covered her hand with her mouth.
I sipped genteelly, then handed the bottle back, noting in a rather detached manner that it was more than half empty.
"And in the meantime, I should genteelly starve?"
It was all done so genteelly that it set McAllister's teeth on edge.
He was coming down the bar room now, holding his glass in his massive hairy right hand with the little finger extended genteelly.
The three women walk through the piece - purposefully, genteelly, defiantly and vampishly.
Here opposing systems of tuning argued genteelly.
Yet even though we dressed so elegantly and spoke so genteelly, my gathering was a fiasco.