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"We will find out why there are homes in these geohazard locations."
Additional work on geohazard assessments was completed during the 2006 field season.
A geohazard is a geological state that may lead to widespread damage or risk.
To mitigate this risk, a geohazard assessment was completed in 2005.
Data collected along with other available weather data can be used within an overall geohazard risk management strategy.
Deeper burial of the line in anticipated geohazard areas would mitigate most of this risk.
The earthquake led to a reassessment of the geohazard for hydrocarbon exploration and production facilities in the Gulf.
Loess as a geohazard.
The fast decomposition of such deposits is considered a geohazard, due to its potential to trigger landslides, earthquakes and tsunamis.
The program is investigating the production potential and economic viability of gas hydrates, and their role in climate change and as a geohazard.
However, the economic viability of a specific reservoir may be adversely impacted by the costs associated with mitigating the geohazard and environmental risks."
The Northern alignment would be more exposed to snowfall, ice loading and avalanche and geohazard risks, leading to less reliable availability.
Aquino said his government was drawing up plans for forced relocation of entire communities that are within "geohazard" areas mapped out by the national mining bureau.
A preferred power transmission line alignment alternative would be economical, secure from avalanche and geohazard risks and minimize potential adverse environmental effects.
Conducts Engineering Geological and Geohazard assessment for housing, subdivision, infrastructure, and other land development projects.
The Geoscience for Oceans Management Program used seabed geohazard research to assess how this exploration will affect the environment.
NovaGold has committed to bury the pipeline except where it crosses streams on bridge structures, with deeper burial in areas assessed as having high geohazard potential.
The potential for landslide dam outbreak flood potential is discussed in the geohazard report (Volume VI, Appendix 5-E).
Access Corridor - During the access corridor feasibility study, terrain mapping was conducted to assess areas of high geohazard risk, i.e., avalanches or landslides.
Graham, Selena (Geog/Philos): She finished her MSc in geohazard assessment at Portsmouth.
Because this pit is immediately upslope of the Central pit, geohazard issues and mitigation are similar to those for the western side of the Central Pit.
Acta Geotechnica covers fundamental and applied research in geoengineering, including mining, tunneling, dam engineering, as well as geohazard, geoenvironmental, and petroleum engineering.
A 'hazard' relates to a danger to human life and property, so a geohazard is "a hazard of a geological nature which poses a threat to man and his activities."
The recommendation from the Working Group on Disaster Management Support has led to the formation of the Integrated Global Observing Strategy Geohazard theme.
The modified Northern route would have a higher capital cost than the Southern route and would pose greater ongoing maintenance challenges due to snow avalanche and geohazard concerns.