Last month he got cocky and went up a slope that turned out to be just a little too steep.
"We got cocky and put it in an unsafe corridor, the middle of the summer," he said.
The thing you can't do when you can't see the future is get cocky all of a sudden.
It looks like he got cocky and opened the airlock too soon in his rush to scare me into working for him again, fortunately for you.
It would have to be a big operation, then they got cocky and got you suckered into it.
Because I had been flying so much that week, I must have gotten cocky.
I would have written this post earlier, but I was too worried I'd jinx my second shuttle launch attempt if I got cocky and started handing out advice and whatnot without ever actually having watched one lift off.
Had a pretty good line going until he got cocky and started cooking and serving his own Rabbit at parties.
That this episode would go the way of so many sophomore-season premieres - the way of we got too big for our britches, i.e., we got cocky and tried to one-up ourselves but fell flat on our faces.
Oh, he got cocky and only applied to about five schools.