The police and city officials get similar demands from virtually every neighborhood, and they say they cannot be everywhere at once.
"A community gets the policing it deserves, or demands," he said.
When the tough entrepreneur starts getting threats and demands for protection, he fights back.
"I'd get angry demands to pay $5,000 and I would wonder why the insurance company shouldn't pay."
We've each got our own work, our own schedule and demands.
I've got demands from all over the world to find out about that ship.
Got all these needs and demands that you can't edit out.
There is no getting around the fact that this time of year places great demands on time and energy for many people, including me.
He is determined to get authoritative results, and demands that his associates be similarly single-minded.
Cos journalists in general, are a of what be described as a lazy breed, but they've got tremendous demands on their time.