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Divorced parents who used to alternate games sometimes now both come.
Divorced people, and therefore single parents, have had a bad press lately.
Divorced people, especially men, had the highest death rates among all the unmarried groups.
Divorced mothers still are viewed with a certain amount of caution in the community.
Divorced people were under the ban not only of the Church but of society.
Divorced parents may have very strong but mixed feelings about a child who reminds them of their former spouse.
Divorced parents need to avoid the temptation, sometimes subconscious, to use their children as weapons against one another.
Divorced parents and dysfunctional families also lead some teenagers to avoid church entirely or to drift away.
Divorced fathers without custody (and with new wives) will often pull out all the stops, he said.
Divorced spouses may not qualify for benefits such as health insurance, which must then be paid out-of-pocket.
Divorced people could remarry, however, the woman's family could expect less bride wealth next time.
Divorced mothers were more precisely my type.
Divorced people are required to wallow in self-scrutiny.
Divorced spouses, particularly, tend to be unpredictable.
Divorced people almost always nursed a fierce and secret fascination for the subsequent doings of their former partners.
(Divorced families take note: do not try this.)
Divorced parents, financial trouble, schooling problems."
Divorced parents.
Divorced parents are using Via TV Phones to see their children more than visitation rights allow.
Divorced parents could get a legal right to see their children, under plans being drawn up by ministers, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Divorced parents, mother usually has children, dad pays maintenance, which I assure you is not a fortune, and quite often stops when the child reaches eighteen.
Thank you for your wonderful Divorced woman's guide to dating (August SHE).
Divorced illustrator Robert spies on a young woman named Juliette who he envies for her seemingly happy life.
"Divorced people who suffer depression and complain of cognitive dysfunction may be expressing the loss of their external memory systems," he writes.
Divorced people tend to divide into manic and depressive, and Sarah is manic, which may be the less interesting of the two.