The Legislaturalist admirals, safe from competition behind their wall of privilege, had gotten fat and lazy.
Compared with the young, energetic Indians and Chinese, too many Americans have gotten too lazy.
"Politicians have gotten very lazy," he said.
I don't take ratings that seriously anymore; the services have got lazy.
Then I got lazy and never wrote it.
She'd thought she was in good shape, but after so long hiding in the tunnels, she'd gotten lazy.
Duke built a 29-point lead in the first 15 minutes, got lazy and still won by 88-78.
Someone got lazy, or hurried, about the code, and reused elements of the last one, so we have an advantage they were not suspecting.
But what if a contractor got lazy or goofed or took a construction shortcut while the hospital was being built?
She had gotten sloppy and lazy, she decided.