And when its so many people, that's got great potential.
"I think he's got pro potential," he said of Simmons, who leads the team in virtually every category.
When you have a bench-clearing brawl, you've got potential of getting people hurt.
It's certainly got potential, but how do I delete a saved search?
We've got huge potential, and there's lots of work to be done here.
"I know that's not what he wants to hear, but he's got strong potential to be a Vice-Presidential nominee."
Of course he can't do the job that he was doing and he'd got potential of the future with, you understand what I mean?
But now this thing's looking like it's got real potential.
As I'm sure you can appreciate, the gizmo's got huge potential, but these things always need development money.' '
He's got unlimited potential; he just has to stay focused.