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No need to go back to the office, he told himself shakily.
He got shakily to his feet and held up the head for all to see.
The guy on the floor got shakily to his feet.
Then I shakily sat up and looked around the room.
It was a long time before she could get to her feet, and then only shakily.
He ran a hand shakily through his long black hair.
He got to his feet shakily and came with her to the first floor.
She sat down shakily on the end of her bed.
I got off the bed and made shakily for the door.
Very shakily, she walked along with him while he told her what had happened.
They tried again and this time stood up rather shakily.
And then there were his eyes to consider, she thought shakily.
Together, shakily, they moved to the top of the hill and looked down.
He got up shakily from the steps and went down them to the ground.
I went shakily forward and sat on the bed; we held hands.
I shakily got to my feet and held up two fingers, then one.
I get shakily to my feet, supported by the girl.
He stood shakily as the others came into the camp.
"I think we should call the police," she said shakily.
With no place else to go, Maggie got shakily to her feet.
She got shakily to her feet and hurried into the back.
He rose shakily to his feet, held on to one of the cars for support.
And he had laughed again, this time a little less shakily.
He refused the hand, but got to his feet, a little shakily.
Now the old man before him stood shakily with a walker.