You want to go through as close to one side as possible, get over here and get the cutter on the other one before it does you.
A clutch-in idle speed of three knots helped to conserve fuel on lengthy patrols and an eighteen knot maximum speed could get the cutter on scene quickly.
We had to drive off a couple of mounted sentries to get back on board the cutter, but there was no difficulty.
And she had spoken no word of blame for his letting that darned horse get the cutter into the ditch.
I will get the cutter mended to-morrow; and the day after we may be able to proceed.
At this point the bosun's pipe called Bonden and all hands to get the blue cutter over the side and Jack walked aft.
All I'm trying to do right now is make it work enough so we don't get smashed up if we manage to get the cutter moving.
Wreckage slid and shifted about her feet, and she gasped in triumph as she got the cutter in and slashed away the end of the damaged cable.
I've got the cutter filled with the newspapers, London, Paris and country towns - all the articles, gentlemen, all the latest details,' he said, looking round the quarterdeck.
I've got the hacksaw, the big hammer, crowbar and the oxy-acetylene cutter.