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The ultimate offering was to give up one's life.
He tells her she has the greatest love of all - to give up one's life for one's friends.
There is a time to fight, a time to give up one's life for another, and a time to run.
Love shows itself in discipline and example and sacrifice-even giving up one's life.
It seems to me that a willingness to give up one's life counts just as much as the actual sacrifice.
In Jewish law self sacrifice connotes particular circumstances that require giving up one's life rather than transgress rare prohibitions.
Struggling with these questions, de Beauvoir is the intellectual, arguing that love must not require giving up one's life, and Algren is the emotional one.
Suicide as such was prohibited in the Koran, but freely giving up one's life in the conduct of a mission against the infidels was highly praised.
The volitional act of giving up one's life to save others also comes up in philosophy or evolutionary psychology when discussing concepts such as altruism and egoism.
But to willingly give up one's life for the sake of the joy and well-being of others will instantly destroy whatever power the Lone One has currently amassed."
It is not seen as an acceptable alternative even if one is being forced to commit certain cardinal sins for which one must give up one's life rather than sin.
Confucianism holds that one should give up one's life, if necessary, either passively or actively, for the sake of upholding the cardinal moral values of ren and yi.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel answers that although it is a very great Mitzvah to give up one's life, it is unremarkable in the annals of Jewish history.
I don't cast blame on you, sir, but I say it's ill giving up one's life to any one; for, at the end, they will turn round upon you, and forsake you.
While one is not permitted to automatically give up one's life in order to save the life of another (an act of suicide, forbidden in Jewish law), one may risk his/her life to save the life of another.
What they need is "a lucid intellectual" who will tell them that the past is over, "that the Chile they yearn for was not only defeated but vanquished forever, and that the future they must fight for has nothing to do with giving up one's life to recover the past."