Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Just about everything in the Iraqi economy will be privatised at giveaway prices.
After April, ferrets are often available from individuals at giveaway prices.
No airline could afford to carry passengers for long at such giveaway prices.
Moscow's big lead stems from the city's policy of selling shops to those who work in them, at giveaway prices.
An F16 replacement option was available at giveaway prices and we had an infrastructure to take them onboard.
Four generations of treasures going at giveaway prices!
I chose middle neck of lamb for the luxury of its bones, fat, and almost giveaway price.
MPs say the company was sold at a giveaway price, with one official estimate putting its value at up to £535m.
But as GM brings in all its new models, it may struggle to clear stocks of the old ones without giveaway prices.
With Manhattan real estate on the rocks, there was a vast choice of apartments for rent or sale at what later seemed giveaway prices.
Otherwise traders will dump the stock on the market at giveaway prices, thereby discouraging the public from renting.
But jaded shareholders will need encouragement and shares will have to be offered at giveaway prices.
He had just gone out of business, he said, and he was selling off these superb nets at a giveaway price.
Having held subscription charges for five years, we can still offer the NEWS at an almost giveaway price.
Mesh baskets at giveaway prices.
They wanted to rush into setting up a huge Martian industrial conglomerate based on the new technology, flooding Earth's markets with goods at giveaway prices.
He provided trophies for the Wirral Juniors at an almost giveaway price -such was the generosity of the man.
A government report released last year accused Andimuthu Raja, the former minister, of selling spectrum at giveaway prices to favored companies.
For example, thousands of cars are stolen in Brazil every year and brought in by the existing contraband structure for sale at giveaway prices here.
The market is also flooded with amateurs with cameras -- including, Woody says, illegal immigrants -- who sell their work at near giveaway prices.
Only those businesses "vulture" investors have determined could be stripped and repackaged at giveaway prices have gained the capital infusions necessary to remain in existence.
Yet the company behind this remarkable achievement - a GEM rich in innovation and cash - is priced at giveaway prices thanks to the market meltdown.
And his sire, Nicobar, is a Group II winner who stands in France for the giveaway price of 500 euros.
The blind-buying bonanza Blind bidding for flights is passé now that airlines publicly sell seats at giveaway prices on their own proprietary Web sites.
Having seen Direct Line floated for less than he had hoped to achieve, Hester will be doubly reluctant to sell Citizens for a giveaway price.