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This year, they are going at each other like two gladiators.
They quickly became close friends and both were sold as gladiators.
Why would some free men give up their rights as citizens to become gladiators?
But through the years, other gladiators have had to answer a similar question following their first loss.
The Gladiators finished their 2010 campaign with a 7-9 record.
At first a small group of about 78 gladiators escaped.
The toast over, the gladiators moved away from the table.
It was like the gladiators, a battle every time they came in there.
So who were these gladiators, and what was their role in Roman society?
The Gladiators went 8-8 and made the playoffs in 2003.
This event became one of the most played events during Gladiators.
There were the gladiators in Rome who did the same thing.
The gladiators would see what it was like to face a true knight.
After all of these successes, the Gladiators were expected to do a lot.
Women did fight as gladiators, though they were very uncommon.
In the end, the battle was fought by many gladiators.
Red was used to color statues and the skin of gladiators.
Through 2011, the Gladiators were very strong at home but often mediocre on the road.
Today, a small adjacent museum shows the history of gladiators.
If you got past the friendly but firm gladiators at the door, that is.
It is also the only event in which the Gladiators do not compete.
The event saw one of the most serious injuries in Gladiators history.
At an earlier time, many gladiators had been soldiers taken captive in war.
Three other countries were also set to adapt their version of Gladiators.
The first time male and female Gladiators had played together in competition.