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About 50 percent of Americans with glaucoma do not know they have it.
When was the last time you got tested for glaucoma?
Make sure all your doctors know that you have glaucoma.
Eye pressure can be normal in some people with glaucoma.
Most people with glaucoma or high pressure in the eyes do not have any symptoms.
Many times, if a person has high pressure in their eye, it will cause glaucoma.
As of 2010, there were 44.7 million people in the world with open angle glaucoma.
Some people also put it in the eye to treat glaucoma.
Future studies will help to further assess this risk of glaucoma development.
Can I develop glaucoma without an increase in my eye pressure?
Glaucoma or other conditions that cause pressure inside the eye.
Although glaucoma can affect anyone, it is most common in people older than 60.
It is an important test in the evaluation of patients at risk from glaucoma.
The other stopped playing when he contracted glaucoma at age 35.
She is in frail health, with high blood pressure and glaucoma.
Most of the risk factors (such as age, race, and family history) for glaucoma are beyond your control.
In some cases of glaucoma, though, pressure inside the eye rise suddenly.
Not every person with increased eye pressure will develop glaucoma.
Treatment depends on the type of glaucoma that you have.
Both were essentially well individuals, except one of them had glaucoma.
People with glaucoma may have a higher risk of this complication.
As a researcher he has developed a medicine for glaucoma.
Risk factors for glaucoma and other eye disease were determined.
Your doctor will need to run other tests to confirm glaucoma.
These medicines are not used for long-term treatment of glaucoma.