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There is also a glibness here that works on all levels.
But then we were young and glibness was our armor.
This director's very glibness, as often demonstrated here, can be his best quality.
With the politician's glibness, he returned one of her own terms.
Tommy had by this time the glibness born of practice.
I really have to put a lid on the glibness that I've given to the other roles.
His plays are characterized by an almost complete lack of glibness.
But there was a learned glibness in his performance.
And the glibness that even Rogers did not believe.
Where was his celebrated glibness when he needed it?
For a moment, he floundered; then his natural glibness asserted itself.
I made courtly conversation and impressed myself with my glibness.
Instead, their raps come off with the glibness of a city slicker.
There is that glibness to him, which is not lost on his teammates.
But there is devious method in the show's comic glibness.
Second was a talent for elegance without glibness or preciosity.
Looking back on it, Stoner realized that his glibness had been a facade.
The piece has a playful flair, but there is also a disturbing glibness to it.
Rashad relies on glibness, and his work comes out as fluff.
Throughout, potentially dramatic issues appear to be shrugged off in favor of glibness.
The painter is obviously on a roll, and this may encourage her tendency to glibness.
I hoped that reply carried the right blend of inefficient glibness.
Already he was beginning to regret his glibness.
Liu covers a lot of territory without succumbing to glibness.
He knew he wasn't fooling the old man with his glibness.