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Phonological patterns involving glottalisation and aspiration will be considered.
It has been suggested that acute intonation was associated with glottalisation, a suggestion supported by glottalised reflexes in Latvian.
- One-consonant phoneme occurring medially; no glottalisation is found: 'upper"better"backer'
Acoustic-phonetic labelling involves segmenting the speech signal in terms of phonetic characteristics such as stop occlusion, frication, nasality and glottalisation (Barry & Fourcin, 1992).
In fact there is some allophonic evidence that supports the two-phoneme analysis: we find this in the occurrence of glottalisation (which was described at the end of Chapter 6).
Common so-called Estuary English features such as L-vocalisation, T glottalisation and Th-fronting give today's Peterborough accent a definite south-eastern sound.
If we look at glottalisation of,, and then in RP we find the following pattern of occurrence:(phonetic transcription showing glottalisation is given in square brackets).
Glottalisation: The use of a glottal stop to indicate a "t" in a word, commonly used if the 't' is in the last syllable of a multi-syllable word: a prominent feature in the accent.
Dave and his fellow public schoolboys abandoning their ties, in a pale parody of the Iranian revolution; attempting opportunistic glottalisation of speech, like Blair before them; clumsily affecting every pseudo-egalitarian fashion, with their eyes unwaveringly fixed on the twin objectives of power and wealth, are the pathetic exemplars of class betrayal.
Glottalization varies along three parameters, all of which are continuums.
The pronunciation that it results in is called glottalization.
Stress, coupled with glottalization, is a distinctive feature in Tagalog.
Consonant reduplication can also have an effect on glottalization.
Intervocalically, the glottalization depends on where the stress falls.
Plosives can be further altered by aspiration, glottalization, and voicing.
Glottalization is marked by a sign called mukphreng.
However, in practice the glottalization often 'leaks', with a creaky-voiced transition into the vowel.
Broken pitch is, in turn, a falling pitch with superadded glottalization.
Miller (2011) analyses the glottalization as phonation, and so considers these to be simple clicks.
However, other changes involve glottalization of the initial consonant:
Glottalization of consonants was represented with an apostrophe.
Plosive-related glottalization phenomena in read and spontaneous speech.
Miller (2011) treats them as differing in nasality rather than in the type of glottalization.
Consonant reduplication can proceed as usual with interior glottalization.
Glottalization is the complete or partial closure of the glottis during the articulation of another sound.
Voicing and glottalization are active components, seen in consonant mutations, while aspiration is not.
Resonants also experience further augmentation through glottalization.
Glottalization of vowels and other sonorants is most often realized as creaky voice (partial closure).
Reduplication is further complicated by consonant glottalization (see van Eijk (1997) for details).
Final consonants and glottalization: new perspectives from Hanoi Vietnamese. '
Transcription into the Latin alphabet, with apostrophe for glottalization:
Southern Ryukyuan mostly has little to no glottalization, with some exceptions (e.g. Yonaguni).
Glottal stops and glottalization in German.
Dialects of Armenian also show glottalization.