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Do you want them to have done this to me and go laughing on their way?"
He went laughing into battle, but he really should have known better.
The '87 team was mature and we went laughing into the last week of the season.
I would not go laughing to Psyche's burial.
They climbed down from the coach and paid the man for his trouble and went laughing up the steps to the hotel.
And off she went laughing, back into the dance with some fellow she snagged from the onlookers.
Then they go laughing and skipping.
Try it again," answered Tom, watching her as she went laughing away, looking all the prettier for her dishevelment.
Summer airs danced about Amanda's head, and she went laughing behind the great black beast, through the alleyways and yards of her own early childhood.
-- Thus spake Zarathustra, comforted in his heart, and went laughing on his way.
They drank and drank, and went laughing laughing just the right sort of laughter out into the rain.
Tamez, Margo "Drinking Under the Moon She Goes Laughing."
There was Khorne, the Blood God, lord of slaughter, whose followers went laughing into battle filled with an unslakable thirst for carnage.
'Chris, that's just one of the many strokes that Martinez has pulled in his time; and he still goes laughing on his way to the bank with his twenty-five per cent commission.
And Grace, in order to hide the wicked thoughts working in her mind, was very pleasant too, and they went laughing to bed, as if they were the best friends in the world.
The children were too excited at the thought of presents to ask any more details and the merry little group went laughing up the stairs, Tamar giving no further thought to the man who had died.
The historian Herodotus said the Dacians were fearless in battle and went laughing to their graves because they believed they were going to meet Zalmoxis, their supreme god.
When they were done we threw down some flowers, and saw them scramble for them, kiss their hands to the invisible ladies, and go laughing away, to smoke and drink beer, I suppose.
As a result, she predicted, America's competitors will march into countries that want new technology or services and are accustomed to dealing government to government and "go laughing all the way into the next meeting with the minister."
"And a jolly good worm it is," answered Dan, as he went laughing away to put a new lash to the whip, wash the wagon, and order Silas about with all the importance of a young express-man.
"Peace on your sorrow, woman, and good-bye to you now;" and with that the sea-changeling went laughing out at the door, singing a wave-song that was so wild and strange the mother's woe was turned to a fear that rose like chill water in her heart.
Lizzie had abandoned her churn to poor Manfred, who was turning the crank with an air of obvious resentment, as she went laughing off in the direction of the stable with Ian, presumably to show him the new calf that had arrived during his absence.