Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They thought it was going to go out of fashion in a year.
She said that such groups have since gone out of fashion.
This practice, like most others, is also going out of fashion.
They had gone out of fashion quite ten years earlier.
For a while it looked as if the fun had gone out of fashion.
In fact I would like to see it go out of fashion very quickly indeed.
I thought such things had gone out of fashion, but not so with Helen.
Drama itself, in fact, seems to have gone out of fashion.
Tell tried to remember when bells had gone out of fashion and couldn't.
"But I think it's going out of fashion as we get more data that support other models."
Oh no, can't be there because the government is still spending like it's going out of fashion.
"There's a reason why that went out of fashion in most places."
"They've never really gone out of fashion at all," he said.
Religion and respect for parents has not yet gone out of fashion.
They designed a document that wouldn't go out of fashion.
Renaissance men never go out of fashion, but their clothes are another matter.
Tea as a meal had rather gone out of fashion since the war.
But such roots have gone out of fashion, even in Syracuse.
Other Clark roses went out of fashion after his death.
And if you thought such ideas went out of fashion with the last Congressional election, think again.
But they just went out of fashion as well.
But since then, high cash levels have gradually gone out of fashion.
That idea went out of fashion in the 60's.
So class went out of fashion, but it never went away.
And that's never going to go out of fashion, as far as I can tell.