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He didn't want to be with somebody who could go postal on him at any time.
They see me talking on the phone, and they'll go postal."
"You know how they talk about us going postal?"
"Of all the people I've known in my life, for anybody to go postal, this is the least surprising," she said.
Instead of going postal, let Sweeney do the slashing for you.
However, not all murders on the job are directly comparable to "going postal".
It was the first time "going postal" appeared in The Times.
It is credited with inspiring the American phrase "going postal".
"If this would have been 10 years ago, I might have went postal.
For unknown reasons, the character "goes postal", and decides to kill everyone in the town.
I felt as if I could easily go postal.
"I'm surprised more people don't go postal on that," she added.
The incidents also led to the coining of the phrase "going postal".
A third adaptation, Going Postal, followed in 2010 with more planned for the future.
"Afraid one of your girlfriends is going to go postal and shoot up your office?"
We had an incident where a school principal went postal, took a third-grade class hostage.
Considering the many horrific episodes of recent years, it is impossible to not wonder whether he may be the next one to go postal.
In other words, Morse wants to identify the neural triggers that make people go postal.
(In Going Postal he claims his actual age is 26).
The slang term going postal is similar in scope.
The history of the clacks network was detailed in Going Postal.
Mentioned in Going Postal on a list of things that a messenger can't deal with.
Most people will just think that the government was smart to get rid of you before you went postal on them."
Going postal is the state of becoming uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence.
There's no doubt I would have went postal."