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It was, perhaps, a great honor to be the mother of a godling.
I could sight the bright eyes of the godling on the door.
I don't know whom she invoked, what godling or devil.
The goddess of hunger, another godling who lives in Shadow.
There was no subtlety about Del's godling, but he might learn it one day.
And on that door was set the head of a godling known to the men of this planet.
"Say you're right Why is this awful godling here?
She waved a casual hand at the blond godling.
The callow godling spun around on his heels and looked back the way he had come.
"And come back to an empty town and a demon transformed to a godling?"
You and your friends, the false godling and the black woman of evil."
'The priestess must be caught and cut, to remove the godling for sacrifice.
The Trickster, a godling who chooses to take the form of a nine-year-old boy.
Another godling, the goddess of war and battle.
They were cast about on the sand above the high-tide line, like toys abandoned by some godling.
The godling finished the contents of the pitcher and extended a long arm to deposit it on the bar.
"The young godling here a minute ago."
"I am only a godling," Triton heard himself reply.
Meanwhile, they travel to Bhazo the mad godling, who is insane ever since the gods gave him all knowledge.
He is the godling of the village."
But Mike came floating down from the sky, swaying splendidly, into the estate of a minor godling.
He must have known from the look on Q's face that the young godling was not merely gearing up for some newer and greater escapade.
Sewed my lips with hexes so I should not blaspheme against their godling.
"I have encountered varieties of evil and sickness in my long life," Doc said loud enough for the hidden godling to hear him.
I'm not your grandson, and I'm certainly not a godling!"