Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He takes out the gold plate and the number is 786.
Did the gold plate have anything to do with it?
A gold plate on each of these said something or other about a date.
Only part of it was copied from a gold plate on a wall.
George what do you mean by rules being gold plated?
A small hole had been burned through the gold plate.
It is a small building with a roof of pure gold plate.
But once they had been translated, the gold plates vanished.
And we kept the gold plate as a final enticement.
You think it's all taking favors from ladies and looking fine in gold plate?
This gold plated nonsense really does need to be put to bed.
It was gold plated, the size of her middle finger.
But they find that the ornament is only gold plated.
Just about every inch of metal and gold plating has been designed.
The new design features seven gold plates over a black leather strap.
While we stand here, money is ticking away and your servants are probably selling the gold plate.
He slid in his hand - and brought it out holding a piece of shining gold plate!
Will all those who think they have "gold plated" health coverage please raise their hands?
We do not feel we should eat off gold plate, if our people go hungry.
She is a foolish woman who has long held her money in gold plate and precious jewels.
Sir Neil has a frog on his desk too - looks like gold plate or something.
And we all had cake and wine on gold plates.
The audio jacks are made of gold plating for performance.
Small gold plates have been placed at some stations to show the highest water level of the flood.
We have gold plates and an inscription in Latin.