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She could detect in it only the odor of a good brew.
But a good brew or a nice dry vintage would have helped!"
It's not processed: allowed to age normally, and that means a good brew.
Good brews from across Europe are on offer along with Hooker.
"Put the jars back on the shelves, child; a tidy kitchen makes a good brew."
While he swore under his breath about the waste of good brew, she mopped up what little had spilled.
When she lowered the flask she smiled, "This is a good brew.
It was a good brew, and Odo found himself wishing that they were going to stay the night in the house. '
Every day, whatever the time, whatever the weather, up came a piping hot meal, savoury snacks, cakes and a good brew.
It was a good brew, and Pippin found himself more than compensated for missing the Golden Perch.
"Tis a good brew ye have there, Master Yarblek," he said, dipping again into the keg.
Killashandra remained on the fringes of the good humored but volatile game discussion until she had finished another glass of the very good brew.
"Good brew," affirmed Rinfur.
Set in a former school, the pub's owners have done their homework on good brews with more than nine of their own beers plus a cheeky cider.
Tavern in the Green Tigín Irish Pub appeals to all who like good brews, conversation and a cozy atmosphere.
They would not waste a good brew on prisoners, and it might provide the edge necessary for Hishn to distract the raiders and she and Gamon to escape.
In addition to the massive guilt I would feel if my child suffered because of my inability to shun a good brew, the spectre of caring for a baby who suffers from the effects of FASD is too great, not to mention the special treatment required for an older child with FASD.