As time went on, Gaku opened up, and became especially close to Kakeru, often teasing him good naturedly.
He then moaned good naturedly about going hungry because it was taking so long to pick up each small piece of chicken with his chopsticks.
"Enough of the tour guide stuff, O'Malley," said the captain good naturedly.
"All right," agreed Snif good naturedly, but we can't leave till we start, so let's get started.
Eno himself is prone to chuckle good naturedly when faced with bemusement at his connection to Coldplay.
"Oh, I'll take your word," said the sergeant good naturedly, spitting again as he turned away.
"So," said Arna, good naturedly, "you think this child a suitable leader for the Rigante?"
No wonder the cunning monarch laughed good naturedly with his visitors, when he knew how easily they might be entrapped.
McNeil admitted he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but could now take the ribbing he got good naturedly.
Koku, good naturedly, gave place, for he, too, felt for Eradicate.