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Rodin made him so, Evoked the strength, the goodliness, the glow.
Priests of a thousand cults proclaim the essential goodliness of Man.
"You forgot your look of wholesome goodliness."
Yet the canard that godliness and goodliness are linked in any way but typographically must be taken on faith, for no evidence supports it.
"All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field.
"His actions only verify that this one has turned his back on the Abellican Church and all the goodliness in the world."
Sit and divert us with thine art and the goodliness of thine accomplishments."
His hospitality pleased the Caliph, and the goodliness of his manners, and he said to him: "O youth, who art thou?
"The Karachay is a neutral nation, which lives at the root of Elbrus, and excelling by its loyalty, goodliness and bravery."
Trust not nor lean upon a reed shaken with the wind, because all flesh is grass, and the goodliness thereof falleth as the flower of the field.
Then they returned to Scheherazade and displayed her in the second dress, a suit of surpassing goodliness, and veiled her face with her hair like a chin veil.
As for these, beneath the dwellings went a fair arched passage like to the ambulatory of an abbey; and every house all along this street was a palace for its goodliness.
His fashion pleased the Commander of the Faithful, and the goodliness of his speech, and he said to himself, "By Allah, I will assuredly requite him for this!"
Then spake the Earl again: "Lo ye, here hath been due betrothal of these twain, and ye may see how meet they be for each other in goodliness and kindness.
So he went from between her hands, and she returned to the dome and, going down to the sepulcher, she said, "O my lord, come forth to me that I may look upon thee and thy goodliness!"
He marveled at the place and the goodliness of its fashion, but sensed no sound of speaker and saw no living soul and stood in perplexed surprise, looking right and left and knowing not whither he should wend.
Popular ballad "Monastirea Argeșului" illustrates the aesthetic myth in folkloric literature and is based on belief that nothing durable and unique by goodliness can not be built without the creator's self-sacrifice, making this creation a philosophical poem.
Raban sums his family's situation up in his own clinically detached manner: 'We belonged nowhere, We had the money of one lot, the voices of another - and we had an unearthly goodliness which removed us from the social map altogether.'
He had been wanting the land for himself for a while and, suspecting that the Dorians would not give it to him, led them through Arcadia and not Elis, so they would not be able to observe the goodliness of it.
So they lighted down from their horses, and took hand in hand and entered bright-faced and calm, and goodly beyond the goodliness of men; then indeed all that folk burst forth into glad cries, and tossed up their weapons, and many wept for joy.
(Act V, Scene I, lines 181-184) Miranda associates beauty with "goodliness" not only because of Ferdinand, but also because her main image of evil has been Caliban--who, as Prospero informs you in Act IV, Scene I, grows uglier as his mind cankers.