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Great Satan as they call it must have still been asleep at home.
They called us the Great Satan, and we didn't do anything!
But the Great Satan's reach is long, too, and many of our people will be killed as well.
We got in the car and headed north toward the home of the Great Satan.
Great Satan, even he isn't crazy enough for that!
Not to mention that the cup is named after their Great Satan.
For half the world, we are the Great Satan.
They were in the home of the Great Satan.
This beautiful ship that can strike against the Great Satan at will?
Other agents were also moving into position throughout the world, all ready to make a strike against the real Great Satan.
I have several options for carrying out these attacks on the Great Satan.
But they clearly would like nothing better than another easy victory against the Great Satan, such as you propose we give them.
This understanding from the 'Great Satan' will do the king little good at home, but his position may be stronger than it looks.
My people long for freedom from the Great Satan.
And I believe that is what we need to do to the Great Satan.
And it brought the massive wrath of the Great Satan down upon us.
And no Great Satan to blame for their problems.
When the Great Satan gets really mad, rush for cover, that's my only advice.
We battle the Great Satan daily and yet our numbers dwindle.
Reports and polemics from a writer who found his Great Satan on 9/11.
Okay, they were the infidels, tools of the Great Satan.
Alas, they should have known not to trust any import from the land of the Great Satan.
America, the Great Satan, had done the entire world a favor by destroying that abortion of a nation.
Few political party presidents ever achieve the status of icon - or Great Satan.
It's a big departure from simply lambasting the Great Satan.