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With us they kept the common nature of their kind and were not gregarious.
He was a gregarious man who had probably been very little on his own.
He was a popular, gregarious guy, who did well with the girls.
It lives for just two to three years and is not gregarious.
I'm gregarious and like to be around people, but almost anybody will do.
Both of us are quite gregarious and we talked to each other a good bit.
He turned out to be a really interesting guy with a lot of stories and very gregarious.
Being a gregarious person, she found this hard to bear.
He was gregarious by nature, never one to turn down a party invitation.
Gregarious by nature he let his mood take him where it would.
They are gregarious and will usually group together with other ducks.
His gregarious personality may well have been popular with many of them.
But in person, he's gregarious and quick with a smile.
Both of them are gregarious people who go about socially, so she knows what is needed.
There he was known as a gregarious teacher and administrator.
He was friendly and gregarious on the surface, without ever saying much about himself.
But man is a gregarious, social animal; and eventually we'll get back.
They are gregarious, spending most of their time in large colonies.
These are very gregarious species, always found in noisy groups.
Which was just the way the gregarious columnist liked it.
People in the church describe him as gregarious and accessible.
They are not very gregarious, but will form small flocks.
However they tend to be gregarious, and often several will nest near each other.
She seemed to get along better with her more gregarious father-in-law.
It is a gregarious species, probably never leaving a group of at least 20 birds.