Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This grey-faced old man was someone Afranius had never met.
In my mind's eye, I see grey-faced men and women going to work on Friday morning.
The women were grey-faced, almost inarticulate with fear, and in some cases also shame.
A grey-faced commander detached himself from the group: 'Certainly, sir.
Or she doesn't, to be permitting that grey-faced toad to court her.
Only two men were inside, grey-faced, their uniforms bloodstained, waiting to be moved.
The only major threat to the survival of the grey-faced sengi is human.
The driver, grey-faced and grunting with the effort, was dragging himself across the floor.
Many of the shops were boarded up and the people walked grey-faced with discouraged steps.
They looked old and beaten, grey-faced and their hands trembling.
Her husband was looking more grey-faced but smiled at Alan's thumbs-up sign.
Some time after the shop opened, Eb arrived for work, grey-faced and haunted.
Steve ate the rest of his breakfast facing a blank, grey-faced screen.
Des, grey-faced and frowning, was talking with a man in a business suit.
The grey-faced prisoners marching along with their hands on their heads.
After years in the dark, the grey-faced multitude are suddenly released from their cells and stumble out into the light.
We've got more than enough grey-faced men in drab suits in politics.
They must have been trekking with grey-faced patience for days, making their way back to little villages in the mountains.
A tired, grey-faced man came out into the corridor through the flapping rubber doors.
Brannigan, as grey-faced as he was, looked at him in silence.
Broome was in a state of shock; he sat grey-faced as people bustled around him.
The man talking to Ferris was grey-faced with sleepless eyes. '
Every available inch of floor-space was taken up by grey-faced bodies, lying down, dead or sleeping.
Rosa ran on, grey-faced, trailing the blanket behind her.
Giles was sagging against the wall, grey-faced, hands clasped to his stomach.