Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Her blog also "just happened" because she was no longer seeing a grief counsellor.
When was the last time a serial killer turned out to be a grief counsellor who looks like a male model?
Friel was also helped by meeting a grief counsellor as part of her research for the role.
If, however, you don't, ask your parents to take you to a grief counsellor.
"We did it in a group situation and made sure we had grief counsellors on hand for everyone.
Oh yes, but you see it is we who add the value to the meat,' explained the happy grief counsellor. '
She has also been a voluntary grief counsellor.
It was that experience that prompted her to study psychology, and later to become a grief counsellor.
Grief counsellors have been called to a suburban Ottawa elementary school after two children and an adult were found dead in a nearby home.
The Finnish government said grief counsellors were on site and giving support to students, teachers and relatives.
Maybe I will find a grief counsellor.
With local clergymen and professional grief counsellors present, 20 sets of parents were told on Friday evening that there would be no reunion.
Mental health and grief counsellors worked with victims' relatives and survivors this weekend.
Fourteen grief counsellors were available at the school today, some from community agencies in Aylmer and St.
If you feel you're getting bogged down, that you're not making any progress, go to a qualified grief counsellor.
Individual Bereavement Counselling is also available with a professional grief counsellor if you feel that would be more appropriate to your needs.
A grief counsellor is called, the teachers try to shut down further conversation about suicide, and the room is redecorated.
Dozens of grief counsellors were being sent to Fort Hood to help the families of the dead.
Doctors or the local community health centre may be able to help in this way, or refer bereaved people to a specialist grief counsellor.
Lola, a pathological grief counsellor enters the stage.
After Rachel's death, Karen sees a grief counsellor.
It's like I'm an inadvertent grief counsellor.
Includes personal stories, advice from a renowned grief counsellor and exercises to help teens move through pain and sorrow.
"Organisations have an important role to play," says Kirsty Minford, a human resources consultant and grief counsellor.
• it should develop professional standards for those working with victims (e.g., victim counsellors, grief counsellors).
Grief counselors were to be on hand at the school.
She said more than 20 children have met with grief counselors.
Officials said grief counselors would be available for the university's 27,000 students.
Grief counselors from around the county went to the school to support students.
After practice, the players met today as a group with two grief counselors.
Grief counselors were available to meet with students at the high school later in the day.
Grief counselors have been sent to help students and staff.
I talked with a grief counselor a couple of times.
Grief counselors were available Friday for students at the school.
A team of grief counselors met people at the school Friday.
Grief counselors all say the same thing, at the appropriate time.
The hospital brought in a team of grief counselors to help its staff deal with the loss.
Within 10 minutes, a grief counselor had called and was walking her through the process.
Today is my time to be there for you, to serve as your grief counselor.
Grief counselors were made available to the team on Monday.
The school provided grief counselors in response to the event.
Grief counselors were at the school to talk with students, teachers and faculty.
He said grief counselors will be available to help students and staff Monday.
He also said the company has provided grief counselors to employees and family members.
On site Friday were grief counselors, whose services will be available throughout the week.
Grief counselors were made available to students and staff Monday at the school, officials said.
Grief counselors will be provided to students and faculty as needed.
Grief counselors will be on hand today at an Ohio high school.
Professional grief counselors went to the town and held sessions at the church.
I wondered if he still seeing the grief counselor I'd found for him.