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The composer of the present is emphatically, grippingly in control.
You couldn't write these stories any more movingly and grippingly than they tell them."
Everybody's like this, I realize: touchingly no, grippingly - vulnerable.
He believed it had "a gripping premise that, for a while, at least, is grippingly executed."
Through these first-hand accounts Burgess grippingly reveals how life really is for some young people.
But the slimmer ones fling themselves off quite grippingly."
In the book, he grippingly portrayed ordinary people coping with everyday political and moral quandaries.
But the its revival is grippingly timely; in particular, the opening act is especially riveting.
Even as a spectator, it's grippingly tense: art as adrenaline sport.
It begins, grippingly, with a crisis at the zoo: the central heating system has broken down and an engineer is consulted.
The author grippingly manipulates Nick's memory loss, which destroyed his understanding of the case he was on and a good deal more about his life.
Now he's back, after the freelance interlude described so grippingly in "The Narrows."
All these indignities and more have sabotaged Philippoteaux's attempt to make his battle scene grippingly real.
Mr. Bacon gives a grippingly intense performance as a man terrified by his new extrasensory powers.
Much of this analysis is grippingly subtle, although Arjun, who thinks and talks with a fluency he cannot possibly have, hardly lives as a character.
That history, grippingly narrated and thoughtfully examined, takes up nearly all of "No god but God."
As Ms. Mina grippingly reveals the implications of these events, it's clear that she is something more than a crime writer.
As played so grippingly and unpredictably, the film's Gerry Conlon is anything but a one-dimensional fall guy.
"Moses und Aron" anticipated his reconversion and grippingly expressed the fervor behind it.
Its atonal harmonic language is grippingly cinematic.
So it is no surprise to find her playing Poulenc's Violin Sonata grippingly.
The finale builds grippingly to those jabbing A's, and triumph is vividly beaten into submission in the last bars.
His portraits of Ruth's divorced parents, whose main characteristic is a kind of constant hunger for more, is grippingly well done.
Perhaps the best part of all is not even the location but the spirit of the music-making, which is almost always visceral and grippingly intense.
The scenes in the cinema's shabby admin offices are grippingly grim, like a failing hospital which is being run by its sickest patients.