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Usually the grizzling is complete by age 3 years.
Why not stop this dismal grizzling and carry her off?"
Stop thy grizzling and go to him, Roland tells her.
Later, the grizzling will often extend up the sides from belly to almost the spine.
A grizzling or whining type of cry often begins in older babies.
So much for all your grizzling and croaking!
In the name of sanity and justice, put an end to your useless, officious grizzling!"
"Stop your grizzling, Luke," she said sharply, annoyed now that he persisted in questioning her decision.
"Fortyish," Nicholas judged his age from the grizzling in his short beard.
Quit your grizzling.
In the most heavily grizzled cats, the grizzling extends over the back of the neck, on the face, and even on the legs and tail.
A memory of his low-pitched grizzling came back to him and his shouts for one of them to look at him, speak to him.
Lāla Bahādur's desultory grizzling, which for some time had provided a steady accompaniment to his father's voice, suddenly broke into an urgent heartfelt wail.
Nobody minded this, since Billy Watson was delicate, which meant he was allowed to be mardy whether anyone was sitting on his face or not, so it was a blessing not to have to listen to his grizzling.
Stockhil is a big man with a straw hat and a big beard: a beard with the grizzling that comes from a certain amount of experience and with the reddish colour that goes with a certain temperament.