Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But others sense a new groundswell of change among women.
But the news so far is the lack of groundswell.
But a groundswell has been building against nuclear power here for at least three years.
But there was no groundswell of support for this position - not until 1940.
A groundswell of support has come from parents and neighbors.
"If there is a groundswell against the Government, it will come from the bottom up."
But no such groundswell has occurred this year in either party.
The Democratic legislators say they have seen no groundswell of public support for the plan.
But of all the artists holding out hope for a local groundswell, she may need it least.
The movement which we are witnessing is, in fact, a groundswell.
They also agreed that, at the moment, no such groundswell exists.
In fact, there appears to be a groundswell for still more sanctions.
There is a groundswell of confidence among the Giants now.
"I have not had a groundswell of concern about it," the mayor said.
But now there is a groundswell of attention to fatherhood.
After a groundswell of neighborhood support, the pictures were allowed back this month.
"There's been no groundswell of support for it," he said.
Other companies have been able to listen to and talk with the groundswell by building their own online communities.
Groundswell was well received in the business and marketing fields.
Objects in the groundswell may be smaller than they appear.
We do not have that political groundswell or demand to support the expansion of black studies.
"I knew there was a groundswell of interest outside the state to terminate him."
"There seems to be a fairly strong groundswell to limit how they do business."
Despite the divisions, the groundswell is clear to many observers.
A groundswell of popular support for him seems to have forced a change in stance.