At the same time, he opened the big book in front of him.
When they were gone, he took out a big book of forms.
That was in the big book of rules, or whatever.
The problem with writing such a big book is that it takes a long time for not much money.
Jim appeared at the window with a big, black book in his hand.
We'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us?
And he turned to the worn big book before him.
Must have me listed in his big book, I guess.
There was a big book that has a lot of stories in it.
"And what a much bigger book still with all that is not known!"
This has to be the fattest book of the year.
A large, fat book appeared, floating in front of Peer.
Inside every fat book is a slender one struggling to get out.
The minister of education had gotten through a big fat book with no pictures in one short afternoon.
The nurse was staring down into a big fat book with names written in it.
Cannot somebody, maybe his wife or daughter if they care, give the President a certain fat blue book, with markers between pages 365 and 375?
I hold the fat book up for her to see the list of everything I'm supposed to get done today.
Has there ever been an autumn season so rich in fat books?
So I looked at this fat book and wondered if it might be useful as a door stop.
My gaze landed on the fat little black book beside his phone.