Or maybe he has the same blood type as me.
They should be back with blood type any minute now.
And what if the blood type turned out to show he had nothing to do with it?
It's not the most common blood type around, especially in a small hospital like this one.
"Can you think of another way for me to find out their blood types?"
The blood type did not match up with either woman's.
Children at schools have been split up according to their blood type.
Blood type can only prove that a man is not the father of a child.
Science has found that there are eight major blood types.
"And would you read your blood type from the certificate to the court?"
He needs B- blood group for his operation to be successful.
You are familiar with the written description of a blood group?
The page was open at a section on blood groups.
And the blood group is there, the one I fetched.
I think you knew about Stowden's interest in his blood group?
Some may not have the blood group on them.
The blood group was the same rare kind as Daniel's had been.
Thirty five healthy subjects with different blood groups were also included in the study.
Some writers have tried to link differences to body type or blood group.
The first thing he saw was her blood group.