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The second one is God in the guise as an old man.
For if they come again it is in other guise.
You have met me before in the guise of Death.
"It will be with us for a long time under one guise or another."
It shows up around the world, in one guise or another.
They might go there today, but it would be in a different guise.
"Who are you that takes the guise of my father?"
It came in many guises and its use was power.
In one of its guises it has a bed for two.
Her husband appears again, but this time in the guise of Death.
We're running these through the computer, to see whether he appears in any guise.
You will recognize me by it, no matter what my guise.
Sometimes I wrote these stories to friends in the guise of a letter.
We are but the most recent of those who guide the People in this guise.
For the memories would be with him always, in one guise or another.
In the guise of public service, they use whatever comes to hand for personal gain.
The seasons, in one guise or another, are also present.
Instead, they adopt the guise of people from your mind.
Obviously they had used one to make guises of himself.
After work, he might appear in one of many guises.
This year modern art can be found in many guises.
Actually it did not really matter which guise he chose.
I will be no man's slave in the guise of wife.
I wrote to him regularly under the guise of business.
Today, however, we welcome the return of Europe in a different guise.