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All players must wear shin pads and gum shields.
Candidates now wear head protection and gum shields as well as boxing gloves.
I had him on the ropes and he had to bite on his gum shield to get through it".
O'Callaghan's head rattles, spit flies, a gum shield is ejected high into the sky.
Lewis was a school friend of Krauses' and the first professional to utilize the new technology, then called a 'gum shield.'
Many of these portray somewhat unusual ways for a fighter to attempt to improve their boxing ability; for example, taking Karate lessons, paying a visit to a health club, or obtaining an iron gum shield.
Pretty Boy Paul was so confident now he spat out his gum shield and landed a quick one-two - biff to the BBC and then one below the belt for Alastair Campbell.
Sadly for the Midlands, Leicester's John Liley endured a nightmare as goal-kicker, his usually reliable right boot missing five out of seven penalties, many of them awarded when the game was balanced on the width of a gum shield.
The focus of improvement in appliance design is in reducing bulk, permitting free jaw movement (i.e., yawning, speaking, and drinking), and allowing the user to breathe through their mouth (early "welded gum shield"-type devices prevented oral breathing).
With the Programme running since March 2010, inter-county players can now avail of scholarships, educational advice, an enhanced injury scheme, job searching advice, benevolent fund assistance for players in difficulty and a nationwide counselling service, gum shields, financial and budgeting advice, business start-up support and media training.
Gum shields are one thing (having rattled my teeth on many a South African hard field in bygone days, and having been bitten more than once in scrums, I wish they had appeared long ago), but shoulder pads are entirely different and their acceptance could change the game for the worse, in my opinion.