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How did you decide that the density of "gummy bears" was less than water?
Choose any liquid whose density is well known and that has no interaction with "gummy bears".
I also eat gummy bears before every game.
Gummy bears are made of protein-gelatin, water, and sugar.
That's not the only recent example of how high-tech security systems have been undermined using basic household items - or gummy bears.
An Israeli scientist with a weakness for gummy bears wears a cheap digital watch.
My first thought Gummy bears (as in the confectionery)
Replies: Believe it or not, both gummy bears and salt water are a mixture of "something" dissolved in water.
The candies, in four colors and fruit flavors, look and taste like familiar old gummy bears.
I am chewing gummy bears.
The parody version of Cruise states "It's kind of like the word gummy bears.
Gummy bears, and other gummi candy, stick to teeth and may cause tooth decay.
In the service station office, I bought some really gross snacks-beef jerky, peanut butter crackers, and gummy bears.
Seeing the women freed, "Sugar Daddy" becomes enraged, marching on the women's position with an army of gummy bears.
Also, some gummy bears are made with pectin or starch instead of gelatin, making them suitable for vegetarians.
"Tastes like gummy bears," Tanya said.
"Warm gummy bears?
The gummi puccho squares are a unique consistency similar to a combination of gummy bears and taffy.
(Unfortunately there are some questionable options, like M&M's and gummy bears, which negate the virtues of the healthy base).
Gummy bears made with either bovine or porcine gelatine are not suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
They all held books and notes and sat in a circle around a stash of doughnuts, sodas, gummy bears, and cheese.
From Dunkin Donuts to gummy bears, it's been a memorable journey Senator, you gave new meaning to the term road trip.
(Fresh strawberries or pineapple are only about 10 calories, compared with 90 for gummy bears or chocolate chips.)
Replies: I am confident that "gummy bears" do not violate the Archimedian principle of buoyancy, so we have to look for a different explanation.
Clarke coated tiles with E. coli bacteria and then proceeded to drop gummy bears and fudge-stripe cookies onto their surfaces.