They rapped about a gangster street life of gun toting, drug dealing, easy women and endless battles for dominance.
This is actually close to the truth (minus the gun toting) as McKean and Read belonged to opposing political factions in Delaware.
Our constitution works well and at least we don't have gun toting loonies thinking misreading something like the bill of rights or constituion here.
I did like the middle episode with the gun toting prostitutes though.
When did you last hear about gun toting pornographers running amok in Britain, or anywhere else?
There's her dead mother's former lover, Dill Smiles - a gun toting giant of a woman who likes to try to pass as a man.
This turbulent relationship is refereed by a gun toting, cigarette selling American cowboy and his snide British side-kick.
The player is required to shoot appearing gun toting zombies and other monsters throughout each stage of the game and avoid getting shot or hit first.
Jackson Lowe now was a gun toting minister known as the "Man with the Golden Mic."
Many action films continue to celebrate the gun toting hero in fantastical settings.