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The three men stood at the gunwale, looking into the water.
For a long while I stood with my back against the gunwale, thinking.
Next morning she was discovered to be full of water up to her gunwales.
He moved out of the gallery and to the gunwale on his right hand.
He started to put a knee on the gunwale, but stopped.
He was just as astonished when the table started to back over the gunwale.
The gunwale was under water and one man went overboard.
I was sitting with my arms crossed, on the gunwale!
Only an inch or two of gunwale showed above the water.
Or you could all hang on to the gunwale to lower the weight.
I had to lift my right leg over the gunwale.
He forced himself to step away from the side of the boat, but kept a hand on the gunwale.
He went to the side of the boat and leaned well over the gunwale.
Come, clap on to the gunwale and we will run her down.
He gripped the gunwale with both hands and looked over his shoulder at me.
It rested its head on the gunwale of our boat.
They hung on to the gunwales as well, riding her.
Some of these are so small that the gunwale is close to the water's edge when containing only one person.
He hit the gunwale, leaned over, staring down into the water.
Again he got the helpless man's head and shoulders on the gunwale.
All three were crammed to the gunwales, mostly with women and children.
She settled back against the rigid gunwale and thought about it.
Then he rushed for the gunwale and leaned over it.
Others of the head hunters were scrambling over the gunwale.
The floor of the hold was only two feet below the gunwale to allow for easy loading.