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Not sure, but it has something to do with gutsiness.
Ms. Greenstein, 36, was also known among friends for her gutsiness.
Over its 20-year history the Equity theater has earned a reputation for gutsiness.
The gutsiness of the pizza is echoed in several appetizers.
The composition's gutsiness came through in individual lines, but not in the structure.
The plot sticks close to the familiar scenario of the little guys coming out on top, their integrity and gutsiness intact.
The special Turner brand of gutsiness even extends to "Dinner at Eight."
The gutsiness of this guy is incredible."
The gutsiness of marmalade means that it can work equally well in salty, savoury dishes.
She is altogether too tentative; you can admire the gutsiness of the attempt, but also sense a lack of belief.
The whirlpool seemed to have stopped growing, but he had to admire the gutsiness of those on the Franklin for staying close to the maelstrom.
At first, she regards Mike with pity and scorn, but comes to appreciate his loyalty and gutsiness.
As a new political campaign approaches, metaphors of intestinal fortitude, or gutsiness - cool, courageous determination - will be at a premium.
She exudes gutsiness.
She had not let Robin turn away from her helplessness, had forced her to begin looking at ways to cope with it beyond sheer gutsiness.
The throaty gutsiness she brings to the role almost erases memories of Bea Arthur's great performance in the same part.
"I guess it is the gutsiness of the designs, the strength of the styles and the colors of the woods that are so attractive.
Isn't he obligated to invest other heritages from Malcolm - candor, generosity of spirit, gutsiness, adventuresomeness?
The Russells' kooky gutsiness has been tested in the now-sanitized Times Square, where they have lived since the 1970's.
And it is discovering that to become a big-league player, management expertise is every bit as important as entrepreneurial gutsiness and scientific ability.
A wild-mushroom lasagna under a cheesy gratinee and tomato sauce has all the gutsiness of the ragu without the heaviness.
Daniel Ulbricht brought the larger-than-life style and gutsiness of a Soviet character dancer to the role of Puck.
The Clinton camp believes that if the presidential nomination comes down to experience, competence and gutsiness (rather than personality), Mrs. Clinton will win.
More journalists will admire the gutsiness, persistence and command of the facts shown by Mr. Rather in standing up to the you-impugned-my-integrity, false-pretenses countercharge.
The company lived up to that premise of innate gutsiness, filled with dancers chosen for their "warmth, great hearts and valor," as Ms. Driver put it.