Her daughter taken by a common nail, like those they used to hammer down her lid.
To fasten the brackets to the ties, use galvanized common nails.
Like the Birmingham bomb, all three used common nails as shrapnel.
Then drive two 10-penny (three-inch-long) common nails through the sole or plate into the end of each stud.
Fasten the wall to the floor with 16-penny (3 1/2 inch) common nails, driven at an angle to increase their holding power.
As to why the common nail rusted the most in the tap water, I am not quite sure.
They are easier to drive than common nails and are less likely to split the wood.
Their holding power is less than that of the common nail.
Use common nails for all rough and heavy construction.
A bright common nail (12/16d) is driven about a half inch into the wood in front of each player.