She cast about her for ways in which to fill the approaching weekend.
When he did not answer, Letis cast about the room for someone to support her.
Barrett cast about him, and his eyes held on the street sign.
She cast about her for something to even the odds.
The so called experts are the ones who got us into this mess and you were right to cast doubt about it.
The vote immediately cast the school system at the center of a national debate about race and education.
On the bank of a river, he said, casting about the place where they crossed.
I tried again, casting about the full extent of the room.
He cast another glance about the street to make certain.
Usually the first to cast a stone about these things on Yahoo!
Sometimes he used the stick instead to cast about in order to give himself greater reach.
He began to cast about, looking for a bed bug.
Desperate, he cast about in his mind for some solution.
She cast about in the darkness with one hand, and found a small rock.
She cast about, moving back to Chicago with her husband.
Like a hunter who has lost the trail, I cast about.
He cast about, and saw the pillows on the bed.
He was just casting about, with no idea where they had gone.
He cast about in his mind, trying to recall what had just been said.
Again he cast about, seeking to make sense of it.