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"If I had been a gynaecologist, would you ask me the same question?"
There are two gynaecologists but no other doctors of any kind.
This is one of the best gynaecologists in the profession.
In 1906 he opened a practice as a gynaecologist, which gave him financial freedom.
Some women wait a year for a consultation with a gynaecologist.
And he was, after all, acknowledged as a fine gynaecologist.
It is a recognized training center for gynaecologists in this field.
When she got to the hospital, they gave her an appointment to see a gynaecologist in six weeks time.
The gynaecologist was especially interested in her case, and he lived nearby.
He mustn't have called the gynaecologist at all, nor her parents.
Another gynaecologist had been sent there, a woman, an exile too - very good!
She is a gynaecologist by profession and received part of her education in London.
The gynaecologist could be free in a little over two years if his case is not referred within 28 days of sentencing.
He is thought to be the only Test cricketer to have been a gynaecologist.
For instance, in a recent case, a reader had a consultation with a gynaecologist.
In this he followed the opinions of contemporary English gynaecologists.
She is married to a gynaecologist of Turkish origin, and has a son.
He graduated the medical school and practiced medicine for 36 years as a Gynaecologist.
In the role of every woman's ideal gynaecologist, he was utterly convincing.
But gynaecologists contacted by telephone said they had stopped doing the operation.
The hospital is overseen by two consultant gynaecologists and a team of doctors.
Male gynaecologists may have a female chaperone for their examination.
A gynaecologist by training, he has published over 225 papers on reproductive medicine and cancer.
The gynaecologist had already made a tentative reservation at the maternity home.
Some of the more common operations that gynaecologists perform include:
Your gynecologist would be a good person to see first.
As it turned out, time had not been kind to the gynecologist.
Many women in this country only see a gynecologist for care.
It is not the first time the 64-year-old gynecologist has taken the lead in his field.
The test is the major reason why women visit their gynecologists each year.
It's your personal choice whether you'd rather see a woman or man gynecologist.
Instead, just call your gynecologist, and let her fish it out for you.
But only your gynecologist should provide you with that advice.
Your gynecologist has no test for what she was pregnant with.
She was referred to me by her gynecologist, an old friend.
If you notice any of them every day for more than a few weeks, see your gynecologist.
Get someone new who really hears you maybe your gynecologist.
Her mother, now retired, was a gynecologist at the university's student health center.
How do I know if it's time to shop for a new gynecologist?
"Over 80 percent of all women say they would prefer a woman gynecologist," he said.
They should be speaking with the gynecologist about their symptoms.
We have to get her to take us to the gynecologist."
His father was a professional gynecologist and mother, a nurse.
Even a visit to her gynecologist, a woman, can take an unexpected turn.
My gynecologist said he didn't think I would ever get a period again.
I keep waiting for report cards and test results from gynecologists to show up.
Talk to your gynecologist if you notice anything new or unusual.
Talk to your gynecologist to determine if the vaccine makes sense for you.
She is a renowned gynecologist having more than 20 years of rich experience.
Most of these women have never seen a gynecologist before, much less had a Pap test.